Hinweise für Praktika, Theses und Module

Bachelor or Master students in “Applied Computer Science” or “Physics” can do an internship. As the organization of an internship is very different from conventional university courses, here is some information on what to look out for.

In general, a Credit should account for 25-30h of work [1]. Internships are different from other university courses, as you can not immediately register for the modul exam, but you have to find a topic and a supervisor in one of the work groups. Internships can be done in every work group, however the topic needs to be associated with Computational Neuroscience (in case of Computer Science) or Biophysics (in case of Physics). We STRONGLY recommend to do the internship before writing the Bachelor/Master thesis. This way, you can already dive into the topic and test if everything works as expected. Contrary to the usual university events, internships do not have a single universal starting date. The start of your internship can be discussed with your supervisor. Keep this in mind when planning your semesters: we recommend to organize your internship and thesis topic at the end of your second-last semster. This way, you already attended all lectures and can start your internship even during semester breaks.

If you are interested in an internship with our group, send us a mail (neuroinformatik@uni-goettingen.de). We offer topics in Computer Vision, Robotics and Computational Neuroscience.

Computer Science

Bachelor Computer Science

In the Bachelor “Applied CS, Specialization Computational Neuroscience” [3], the internship is implemented in modules:

  • B.Inf.1810 (5C): Angewandte Informatik im forschungsbezogenen Praktikum, max. 10 pages
  • B.Inf.1811 (10C): Vertiefte Angewandte Informatik im forschungsbezogenen Praktikum, max. 20 pages
  • B.Inf.1812 (5C): Anwendungsbereich im forschungsbezogenen Praktikum, max. 10 pages

You can pick every combination of these three modules or simply a single one. Keep in mind that they are located in different groups inside the regulations, so check which modules work for you.

Master Computer Science

In the Master “Applied CS, Specialization Computational Neuroscience” [2], the internship is implemented in modules:

  • M.Inf.1203 (6C): Neuroinformatik in einer kleinen forschungsbezogenen Projektarbeit, max. 12 pages
  • M.Inf.1209 (10C): Neuroinformatik in einer forschungsbezogenen Projektarbeit, max. 20 pages

Contrary to Bachelor, the Master modules are mutually exclusive: you can ONLY take one of the two above listed modules.

And in “Systemorientierte Informatik”, the internship is implemented in module:

  • M.Inf.1201 (12C): Systementwicklung in einer forschungsbezogenen Projektarbeit, max. 24 pages

Overview: First, find an internship topic and a supervisor. Again, as we recommend doing the internship before the thesis, the internship topic should optimally be adjacent to your thesis topic or handle the prerequisits of your thesis experiments. During your internship, download and fill out the required forms so the internship can get acknowledged. For forms, see [4]. Your supervisor also needs to sign these forms. By the end of your internship, you should have compiled an internship report. See [4] for templates. Filled out form and report has to be sent to the secretary (at the moment Heike Jachinke) of the “Institut für Informatik” (“IfI”). Also send a digital copy of your report to your supervisor, as he will have to let the IfI know whether you passed or not. For internships, there is no grading, only “passed” or “not passed”. For the length of the report, check your regulations [2, 3] or see the “max pages” entry in the lists above. In case you agreed with your supervisor on multiple internships, you can bundle your work and compile one single report. The IfI or examination office will finally register that you passed the internship in FlexNow for you.


For students from the Physics department, there are several modules that can be associated with an internship in our work group. Different from Computer Science, the following modules are NOT mutually exclusive.

Bachelor Physics

The regulations for the Master modules can be found in [6]. Additionally, you can find important information on the so called “Spezialisierungspraktikum” as well as formal requirements for the Bachelor thesis here: [7].

  • B.Phy.406 (6C): Einführung ins wissenschaftliche Arbeiten: Biophysik/Physik komplexer Systeme:
    • 10 pages report - 6 Credits
    • This module is a preparation for your Bachelor Thesis topic

Master Physics

The regulations for the Master modules can be found in [5]. All following three modules need to be associated with a Master Thesis topic (in the same work group) and cannot be chosen separately from such.

  • M.Phy.1602 (9C): Development & Realization of Scientific Projects in Biophysics/Complex Systems:
    • Up to 30 pages of report or Presentation
  • M.Phy.1606 (3C): Networking in Biophysics/Physics of Complex Systems:
    • You will have to present the results of your Master thesis at a conference or similar event
    • up to 10 pages report
  • M.Phy.406 (18C): Research Lab Course in Biophysics & Physics of Complex Systems:
    • 30 Minute presentation on project progress (2 weeks preparation time) - 18 Credits

Additionally, M.Phy.1403 can be an option for you:

  • M.Phy.1403 (6C): Internship
    • 30 Minute Presentation


[1] European ECTS System, Page 10, https://op.europa.eu/o/opportal-service/download-handler?identifier=da7467e6-8450-11e5-b8b7-01aa75ed71a1&format=pdf&language=en&productionSystem=cellar&part=

[2] Master Prüfungsordnung CS, https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/document/download/01a52da30038aa44daf3f0e33bc00df7.pdf/ModulVZ_Ang.Informatik_MA_2020_2.pdf

[3] Bachelor Prüfungsordnung CS, https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/document/download/89cafb3406c09f743202c5d0d1a78b6c.pdf/ModulVZ_Ang.Informatik_BA2020_2.pdf

[4] Institut für Informatik: Formulare, https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/626775.html

[5] Master Prüfungsordnung Physik, https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/document/download/ad777b1dcf4ba073930b64152b12c80f.pdf/ModulVZ_Physics_MA_2021.pdf

[6] Bachelor Prüfungsordnung Physik, https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/document/download/03b6fe4ce65bf34f7dfa4f0d2362ef89.pdf/ModulVZ_Physik_BA2021.pdf

[7] Richtlinien SpezPrakt und Bachelorarbeit, https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/document/download/d05340bf910bea8add6328458fcd7bf2.pdf

Computational Neuroscience Group