Fast synchronization of high-frequency signals

New applications in telecommunication, smart environment and autonomous driving trigger novel requirements on sensing accuracy and high bandwidth communication within limited frequency resources. Here, coherent processing, hence processing with stable and fixed phase relations between the signals, provides significant advantages w.r.t. signal-to-noise-ratio and resolution. This, however, requires synchronization between the different units without which stable phase relations cannot be maintained. Synchronization today is realized by exchanging data (e.g., pilot signals) and locking individual PLLs at the respective units. For many applications, this approach is too complex and too slow especially when moving to higher frequencies.

ADSYNX is a new, non-linear - and therefore very fast - method that only requires a few operations. ADSYNX is RF-compatible and adapts to changing signal structures. Highly efficient multi-channel signal synchronization is therefore possible. This method has, thus, the potential to replace the - often cumbersome - conventional PLL technology.

Watch the video below for more information or visit the ADSYNX website.

ADSYNX, a novel and fast method for multiple HF-signal synchronization

Fast synchronization of high-frequency signals: HF-Signal synchronization today is realized by exchanging data (e.g., pilot signals) and locking individual phase-locked loop circuits (PLLs) at the respective units. For many new applications, this approach is too complex and too slow, especially when moving to higher frequencies. ADSYNX is a novel, non-linear, very fast method, relying on only few operations, compatible with implementation in radio frequency systems, allowing for highly efficient multi-channel signal synchronization. This method can, thus, replace the – often cumbersome – conventional PLL technology